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Detecting the Undetectable: Managing shifting liabilities around online scams

Fraud & Scams Banking & Finance

APP Fraud isn't going away, rising by +22% in the last year alone.

With 2022 likely to see a shift in liabilities around reimbursements for online scams, tackling them is priority number one. And here's the rub… the organizations that do so will see reputations boosted and customer advocacy rise. Those that don't will be more likely to see increased costs and loss of customers.

Education, detection and prevention are all vital ingredients to stopping online scams, but what do these mean and how can we avoid impacting the majority of legitimate transactions.

In this special panel session, we'll be looking at what the liability shift means for financial institutions, what type of industry collaboration is needed and, of course methods available to detect and prevent scams in real-time.

Key Speakers

Diane Doodnath
Principal, Remote Payment Channels UK Finance
Steve Cornwell
Head of Fraud Risk Oversight TSB
Ryan Gosling
Commercial Director, Callsign


10am GMT, 22 February 2022


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